Saturday, March 2, 2019

Join Us on March 24th!

You're Invited to Join Us for the Masterwork Foundation Re-envisioning Event!

The Board of the Masterwork Foundation, is happy to invite the public to our “re-envisioning event” scheduled for March 24th, from 3:00 - 5:00 at the Morris Museum, Morristown, New Jersey.  Please RSVP to the event here:

For those from out of town, the Morris Museum is located at 6 Normandy Heights Road in Morristown. You can find out more about the Morris Museum and their roster of exhibitions and events at

Can you tell me more about the Foundation:
The Masterwork Music and Art Foundation was founded in 1955 by Shirley May who had a vision for cultivating excellence in the arts, focusing specifically on music. She worked closely with the renowned choral director, David Randolph, to create a choral society that set a prototype for excellence on a national level. The Chorus maintained a peak of critical acclaim through the 1960s and 1970s through winning critical reviews of their performances, special recording and invitations to perform oversees, as well as on a special PBS feature. 

You can read more about Masterwork’s history on our blog post here: 

The motivation for the event:
Over the years the Foundation has undergone a number of changes, including establishing itself as a separate entity from the Masterwork Chorus. 

You can find out more about the Masterwork Chorus at

Information about the Masterwork Foundation is available from  In addition, you may email the Foundation at and follow us on Facebook and on Twitter (@ArtsMasterwork). 

Most recently, the Board has decided to expand the vision of the organization to serve masterful work in all of the arts through a series of grant offerings. More specifically, awards will be offered in music, dance, the visual arts and the literary arts.  The Board is holding this event to celebrate this new phase and invite participation from our friends and neighbors in the Morristown community.

Who’s invited:
This event is open to the public, but we’re targeting creative artists, creative art lovers and creative art supporters specifically. The Masterwork Foundation offers a role or benefit for each. 

     Creative Artists -  will have an opportunity to apply for our grant and award offerings.

     Creative Art Lovers - can follow news about arts offerings and eventually, updates on the progress and careers of our    awardees. 

     Creative Art Supporters - can support our work through a donation and may establish awards on behalf of friends or family foundations. 

What the event will feature: 
The reception will begin at 3:00 with light hors d’oeuvres and a visual display. At 4:00 we’ll make a short presentation, featuring some of our awardees from the past, followed by an excerpted performance by a special guest.

Attendees will be encouraged to share their contact information and feedback. 

Where can I get more information:
  • For press inquiries, contact Todd Whitley, our Executive Director at

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you on the 24th!


Camille A. Brown at The Joyce!

 Masterwork Premier Awardee, Camille A. Brown and Dancers, will have the New York City premier of the work I AM at The Joyce this February! ...