Sunday, December 20, 2020

We Love Our Angels

Become an Masterwork Music and Art Angel and Receive a Masterwork Mask as our Thank You!

Members of The Masterwork Music and Art Foundation’s Angels Circle provide a sustainable foundation for the vital grants that we make to artists and artist organizations across a wide variety of disciplines.

In appreciation of a tax-deductible annual contribution of $100 or more, Angels receive recognition on our web sites and in relation to our grant offerings. This year we're also sending those Angels that give $100 or more a custom Masterwork mask, as well. 


Please consider supporting Masterwork Arts by becoming an Angel today. 


All donations to the Angels Circle are 100 percent tax-deductible. 


For more information about the benefits of the Angels Circle, please contact Todd Whitley, our Executive Director, at


Masterwork Arts Angel Levels

  • $5,000 and above

Angels who give $5,000 and above receive naming rights on our Premier Award.


  • $1,000 to $4,999

Angels who give $1,000 to $4,999 receive naming rights on our Community Grant Offerings.


  • $500 to $999

Angels who give $500 to $999 are entitled to naming rights for one of our Competitive Awards.


  • $100 to $499

Angels who give $100 to $499 will receive Masterwork Arts mask.


To become an Angel, make your checks out to Masterwork Music and Art Foundation and mail them to:

The Masterwork Music and Art Foundation

PO Box 1116

Madison, NJ  07940

Our Angels are not only guardians… They make excellence in the arts happen! 

Thank you for your generosity.


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Camille A. Brown at The Joyce!

 Masterwork Premier Awardee, Camille A. Brown and Dancers, will have the New York City premier of the work I AM at The Joyce this February! ...